The Ballads, Songs, & Vignettes (BSV) Collection [Part 3]
In the BSV series, each video will have a description, written by Neil–some of them are brief and some are longer. To watch the introduction read the first installment in this series “The Ballads, Songs, […]

The Ballads, Songs & Vignettes (BSV) Collection [Part 2]
In the BSV series, each video will have a description, written by Neil–some of them are brief and some are longer. To watch the introduction read the first installment in this series “The Ballads, Songs, […]

The Ballads, Songs, & Vignettes (BSV) Collection [Intro]
Neil Moore founded Simply Music in 1998. He has travelled throughout the entire globe spreading his “playing-based” piano teaching method and growing a community of Simply Music Piano Teachers who believe in this method and […]

Study of a Song – How to Make Gravy
Although he’s spent quite a lot of time in the USA and elsewhere, Paul Kelly is not necessarily a household name worldwide. Here in his native Australia, this everyman poet is an unofficial Living National […]

A Way of Listening – Happy Songs: Pt 1
Recently I read an article by music educator and prolific blogger Ethan Hein called The Happiest Chord Progression Ever, citing The Jackson 5’s “I Want You Back” as the example of a triumphantly happy song, […]

Story of a Song: Happy Birthday & How to Play It!
This month we celebrate a birthday of an unusual kind. You might call it the birthday of the right to properly celebrate birthdays. And surprisingly, it’s just a first birthday, because on June 30, 2016, […]

My Big Fat Playlist
My big fat Simply Music Playlist… how will I ever keep it all alive?! Do you have a hard time managing this aspect of your piano lessons? It’s fun to learn new pieces but sometimes […]

Learn Four Chord Songs
I remember hiring a car on a holiday a few years ago. We could only tune the radio to one station, playing popular music, and as the songs cycled by, I started to realize that […]
Seasonal Selections
‘Tis the season to drag out the carols and traditional songs. But do we mindlessly mouth the well-worn words of all those all-too-familiar Christmas standards? We asked the Simply Music staff to tell us about […]