Showing 1 - 10 of 160 posts

What Song Opens Your Memory Floodgates?

All it takes is a song. Not just any song though, THE song… The one that grabs your attention when you’ve had the radio on for hours but have to drop everything right now because it’s […]

Sharing Your Music in the Real World

We’ve talked in this blog about sharing your music online; how to take the tentative steps to “put ourselves out there” in a digital world, whilst safely tucked up in the comfort of our homes with our bunny […]

Story of a Song – Summertime

A lot of music unites people. Occasionally it divides people. With its contentious depiction of racial stereotypes, the opera Porgy and Bess seems to have experienced the ebb and flow of acceptance over the years, […]

Sharing Music, the Digital Revolution & the Future of Community

Music has always been a social phenomenon. Whenever people have gathered together, music has usually been involved. In some cultures, the distinctions between music, dance and spoken language are blurred and music is part of […]

About Lead Sheets

  Very early in their learning experience, Simply Music students are introduced to chord accompaniments through songs like Amazing Grace, following written chord symbols represented by alphabetical letters. What they won’t realize at that point […]

Songwriting – Branding Yourself as a Musician

In our May issue, Katie Schmidt wrote a great article: Promoting and Releasing Your Songs. Here, we take that information a little deeper and give you some really specific ideas on how to brand yourself […]

Songwriters – Working With Other Musicians

Since Neil has so wonderfully helped us all understand the power and influence of arrangements, I am certain that when you write a song you envisage a lot more than just you at the piano […]

From Neil Moore

I’m sitting here at home looking out of my window. It’s a beautiful morning and it’s very quiet. I’m thinking about what has happened this year. So far, I’ve traveled throughout the USA. I’ve been […]

My Big Fat Playlist

My big fat Simply Music Playlist… how will I ever keep it all alive?! Do you have a hard time managing this aspect of your piano lessons? It’s fun to learn new pieces but sometimes […]

From Neil Moore

Do we reap what we sow? I’ve been thinking about this and want to talk about a recent experience. A couple of weeks ago I received an email from a 17 year-old young woman called […]