The Playground
The Simply Music blog
Songwriters – Promoting & Releasing Your Songs
Written by: Katie Knipp So, you’ve just spent hundreds of “man hours” writing, recording, mixing, mastering, and stressing! Now what? Now, my friends, the real work begins. There is a certain order to releasing a song, and having released 5 CDs myself, there are…
The Molecule of More by Daniel Lieberman & Michael Long
Book Review By Katie Schmidt Welp, if I were a psychology professor, I would definitely make this book a requirement for all my students. Although I am not said professor, I do wish all of us would read this book. It gave me a much…
Our Creative Colleagues
Credit: We know our teachers and staff are passionate about their day jobs, but for some, this is just part of their musical journey. Many of them have multiple irons in their musical fire, including writing and recording their own music. It is…
Songwriters – Working With Other Musicians
Since Neil has so wonderfully helped us all understand the power and influence of arrangements, I am certain that when you write a song you envisage a lot more than just you at the piano and microphone. Working with other musicians can really allow your…