So You Want to Play in a Band (Part Two)
Written by: Page Stegner It is not as intimidating as one might think! 15-year-old level 3 Simply Music student Antoine ROCKED the house when he jammed for the first time with my band ‘the Smokin’ Rats’. […]

So You Want to Play in a Band (Part One)
Written by: Ray Nelson “I can’t count how many times over my teaching career I have heard students say this. There is such an interest out there to be able to play in a band […]

Developing Your Musical Expression [Part Two]
Connection, Awareness & Practice If you’re not telling a story with your playing, not conveying an emotion, you might even say it’s not music at all. Last month Simply Music Senior Teacher Laurie Richards wrote […]

Developing Your Musical Expression [Part One]
Long-time Simply Music Teacher and respected contributor to the music education community Laurie Richards is a believer in the communicative power of music, but only when we really think about just what it is that we […]

Having the ‘Blues’ Never Felt So Good – Piano Tutorial
From their earliest lessons, Simply Music students know how fun and easy it is to get into real, authentic-sounding blues piano pieces.They also learn that there are lots of ways to vary and develop their […]

Teaching Chords & Accompaniment – A Video from Neil Moore
Chords are one of the most fundamental building blocks of all music and, taught in a particular way, they are incredibly simple to learn on piano. It’s amazing how much is opened up by an […]

A Study in Songwriting – Pt 6: Mark S. Meritt
Mark S. Meritt continues our series on songwriting, discussing some guiding principles and idea-generating approaches he uses. Legendary musical theatre composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim noted some fundamental principles that guide his work, the primary […]

Simple Things Done Well – Pt2
Previously, I talked about the benefit of making the most of simple activities and valuing the journey as much as the goal. But how? As a Simply Music student, your teacher will be regularly on […]

Make Your Buds Blossom
Although music is generally considered a social activity, I also treasure the personal experience of private listening. One of my favourite times to listen is when I’m out walking. Music always takse me to another […]

Make Practice Perfect
Can you think of any activity in your life that you were perfect at the very first time you did it? Here are a few things that that applies to for me: Contactless credit card […]