The Playground

The Simply Music blog

Teaching Chords & Accompaniment – A Video from Neil Moore

Found in: Neil Moore, Tutorials

Chords are one of the most fundamental building blocks of all music and, taught in a particular way, they are incredibly simple to learn on piano. It’s amazing how much is opened up by an easily-developed grasp of chords. Neil describes here, for both students and educators, how simple, powerful and immediately useful Simply Music’s remarkable ‘shape-based’ approach to chords really is.



You may not be aware of the many informative and useful videos posted by Neil Moore on our YouTube channel, so we thought we’d highlight a selection of them in The Playground. Some of them are especially useful for teachers wanting to know more about the program, and some are great for students to better understand the purpose of the fundamentals.

Head over to the Simply Music YouTube Channel for more informative videos, samples of pieces being played, interviews and more!

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