Seasons Greetings & Merry Gravy Day
From all of us here at Simply Music we wish the very best and a safe and happy holiday season … and a Happy Gravy Day Australia! Gravy Day you ask? The 21st of December […]

‘Meera’ – More Than Just A Building
For a lot of music teachers, ‘studio’ is simply a clearing in a living room or spare room, and that can be a wonderful, comfortable, welcoming place to play and learn. But for one of […]

Dyslexia & the Simply Music Method
Long-standing Simply Music Teacher Greta Moré from Sydney, Australia shares her story of growing up with a unique life outlook that drew her naturally to Simply Music, and her experience teaching the program to students […]

Pride of Place – Songs We Share for National Celebrations
Credit: college.usatoday.com We hope all our Teachers and Students in the United States are enjoying 4th of July celebrations. But why not spread the national pride further afield? We enlisted the help of the wonderful Elizabeth […]

Our Creative Colleagues
Credit: http://www.coos.be/ We know our teachers and staff are passionate about their day jobs, but for some, this is just part of their musical journey. Many of them have multiple irons in their musical […]

A World Where Everyone Plays
“Some people think music education is a privilege, but I think it’s essential to being human” – Jewel Since 1998, Simply Music has provided transformative music education via our Teacher Training Program, giving […]

Keeping the Music Alive – Vicki Lee with Dame Vera Lynn
2015 was a landmark year for the remembrance of war, especially for people in Australia and New Zealand, marking not only the end of World War 2, but the centenary of the Gallipoli campaign, commemorated […]

Traditional Treats from the Simply Music Team
The holiday season is upon us and for many, that means winding down school and/or work and getting ready for some relaxation time with family and friends. So we asked the Simply Music team […]

Travelling Full Circle with Gordon Harvey
“[Music] can cast light into the darkest corners of the heart that nothing else can reach. It can illuminate feelings we might otherwise not even know that we have. In that way, it helps […]

Use Your Power of Creativity for Good! 8 Fun Ways to Raise Awareness, iPods & iTunes for Music & Memory.
Music has always been such a huge part of my life – there are some songs which can instantly transport me to different places in time, invoke memories, stir up feelings that sometimes have languished […]