A Study in Songwriting – Pt 5: Eliette Roslin
Our series of songwriting hints continues with Eliette Roslin, who has taken time out from her amazingly busy life to share the very personal story of her song “Believe”. Eliette sang before she could speak […]

How Simply Music Began – A Video from Neil Moore
You may not be aware of the many informative and useful videos posted by Neil Moore on our YouTube channel, so we thought we’d highlight a selection of them in The Playground. Some of them […]

Meet The Team – Jose Rivera
We asked Jose Rivera some questions to gain some insight into his role here at Simply Music, what lights him up musically and some facts that make him the person he is. Your full name: […]

A Study in Songwriting – Pt 4: Gordon Harvey
Songwriting doesn’t have to be done balancing pen, paper, guitar and coffee cup on your lap. In fact, most modern pop music is constructed on the computer from the get-go. Gordon Harvey outlines this process […]

A Study in Songwriting – Pt 3: Jennifer Lee
Simply Music Teacher Jennifer Lee continues the conversation about writing songs with a reflection on how simple projects can be the unexpected beginnings of great inspirations, including some of the wonderful songs on her forthcoming […]

Neil & Will Henshall from Focus@Will – Interview
Will Henshall is a successful songwriter, producer, multi-instrumentalist, entrepreneur, researcher and infectious personality. He’s also the developer of Focus@Will, a program that uses specially-designed music to improve focus and productivity. In this wide-ranging chat, Neil […]

A Way of Listening – Happy Songs: Pt 1
Recently I read an article by music educator and prolific blogger Ethan Hein called The Happiest Chord Progression Ever, citing The Jackson 5’s “I Want You Back” as the example of a triumphantly happy song, […]

Lullabies – Why Do I Sing Them to My Son?
As far as we know, parents have always sung their children to sleep. It’s understood that for a young child the melodies and rhythms of simple songs add to the already profoundly comforting experience of […]

Make Your Buds Blossom
Although music is generally considered a social activity, I also treasure the personal experience of private listening. One of my favourite times to listen is when I’m out walking. Music always takse me to another […]

A Study in Songwriting – Pt 2: Sue Lopez
After our Songwriting Tips from Simply Music Friends – Pt 1 post, we asked contributors to give us a more in-depth insight into their process of creating songs. You’ll find that there are as many […]