The Playground
The Simply Music blog
This blog post was written (with our thanks!) by a Guest Contributor. In our aim to bring you a variety of quality content, The Playground encourages specialists or people with passion for a music related topic to contribute… Guests. Should there be something you feel our audience would benefit from and enjoy in a blog post, please send your idea and outline to
Songwriters – Promoting & Releasing Your Songs
Written by: Katie Knipp So, you’ve just spent hundreds of “man hours” writing, recording, mixing, mastering, and stressing! Now what? Now, my friends, the real work begins. There is a certain order to releasing a song, and having released 5 CDs myself, there are…
So You Want to Play in a Band (Part Two)
Written by: Page Stegner It is not as intimidating as one might think! 15-year-old level 3 Simply Music student Antoine ROCKED the house when he jammed for the first time with my band ‘the Smokin’ Rats’. As Antoine stepped through the front door his eyes grew…
So You Want to Play in a Band (Part One)
Written by: Ray Nelson “I can’t count how many times over my teaching career I have heard students say this. There is such an interest out there to be able to play in a band together with other musicians and yet I have often wondered…
The Neuroscience of Creativity By Anna Abraham – Book Review
Credit: David Cassolato I will start with a little story. In 2007 I was beginning University studies and surfing the internet one weekend, when I came across a piano teacher’s blog. This teacher was on about this great new discovery. After teaching for many years…
The War of Art By Steven Pressfield – Book Review
I looked everywhere for the enemy and failed to see it right in front of my face. Sometimes things that should be obvious aren’t. Sometimes an obvious thing only becomes obvious after someone states it in such an articulate and relatable manner that its essence…
This Is Your Brain On Music by Daniel Levitin – Book Review
By Rebecca Harding This Is Your Brain On Music by Daniel LevitinThis Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession by Daniel Levitin is a fascinating and in-depth exploration into the neurological processes that make us love and connect with music. Levitin,…
The Molecule of More by Daniel Lieberman & Michael Long
Book Review By Katie Schmidt Welp, if I were a psychology professor, I would definitely make this book a requirement for all my students. Although I am not said professor, I do wish all of us would read this book. It gave me a much…
Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi – Book Review
Mihaly reading his book ‘Flow’ War is horrific. There’s no getting away from it. But sometimes out of the horror there’s a contribution to the world that wouldn’t be here otherwise. Such is the life’s work of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. The study of what he has…
Having the ‘Blues’ Never Felt So Good – Piano Tutorial
From their earliest lessons, Simply Music students know how fun and easy it is to get into real, authentic-sounding blues piano pieces.They also learn that there are lots of ways to vary and develop their first blues projects with cool extra touches. Actually, if you…
My Story with the Blues [Robert Relly]
Intro: Music of the last hundred years would sound completely different without the Blues. You may have a certain picture in your mind when you think of blues music, but you may not realise how diverse the genre actually is, and how it has seeped…