The Playground

The Simply Music blog

Showing all 3 results in katie knipp

Songwriters – Promoting & Releasing Your Songs

Written by: Katie Knipp   So, you’ve just spent hundreds of “man hours” writing, recording, mixing, mastering, and stressing! Now what? Now, my friends, the real work begins. There is a certain order to releasing a song, and having released 5 CDs myself, there are…

Katie Knipp

Teacher, Singer, Songwriter & Mother, Katie Knipp hits the Billboard Charts [Interview]

Leon Moore sits down with Sacramento-based Simply Music Piano Teacher and Blues artist, Katie Knipp and discusses her latest album, “Take It With You”, her recent SAMMIE award win (think of it like the Sacramento Grammys) and becoming a Billboard featured artist. Katie, a teacher…


Songwriting Tips from Simply Music Friends’ – Pt 1

Our wide-ranging and talented community of Simply Music Teachers and associates include an array of gifted professional songwriters and composers. We asked a bunch of them to share a little about how they work. We found that there are as many ways of writing a…