Make Practice Perfect
Can you think of any activity in your life that you were perfect at the very first time you did it? Here are a few things that that applies to for me: Contactless credit card […]

Recording Yourself, Part One – The Benefits
In the old days, music was an ephemeral thing – if you weren’t there at the performance, it was gone forever. Nowadays if you wanted to, you could chronicle your every moment at the instrument […]

A Classical Musician Ventures into Improvisation
I’m just learning to take baby steps into improvisation. And I have a secret to tell you. But first, let me tell you where I’m coming from and what my personal experience with music has […]

Building Confidence as a Beginner with Simply Music
I was a beginner when I started Simply Music lessons. I had a lot of confidence issues with my musicality. I had tried to play the piano on my own for about a year and just couldn’t […]

Teamwork – Playing with Others
“Teamwork, Teamwork, how ‘bout it?” Being a musician promotes versatility as it teaches many musical and real-life skills, such as cooperation in playing as a team, traditionally called ensemble playing. Ensemble playing in Simply […]

Playing with Others
My first memory of playing the piano with others is sharing the bench with my two older siblings. Since I was the youngest in the family, I would get to sit on the end […]
Soulful Grace (Amazing Grace), Part Two
Hello again! This is part two in the Soulful Grace series. If you read my first Soulful Grace article in the previous issue of The Playground and spent some time learning the arrangement I presented there, […]
Playing for Others
Who likes to perform in front of others? I don’t see many hands up. It seems like there’s a rare breed of person who just loves an audience, and the rest of us recoil in […]

A New Kind Of Piano
The piano’s exact birth date is lost in the haze of history. All we know is that it was invented by the Italian harpsichord maker Bartolomeo Cristofori around the year 1700. He developed his new […]