Sharing Music, the Digital Revolution & the Future of Community
Music has always been a social phenomenon. Whenever people have gathered together, music has usually been involved. In some cultures, the distinctions between music, dance and spoken language are blurred and music is part of […]

Great Courses: How To Listen To and Understand Great Music – Review
Presented by Professor Robert Greenberg The Great Courses DVD,CD, video or audio download $349.95-$699.95 USA $399.95-$809.95 Australia For other countries, visit thegreatcourses.com/greatcourses I began my interest in music as a listener, and I still spend a […]

Songwriting – Branding Yourself as a Musician
In our May issue, Katie Schmidt wrote a great article: Promoting and Releasing Your Songs. Here, we take that information a little deeper and give you some really specific ideas on how to brand yourself […]

Songwriters – Working With Other Musicians
Since Neil has so wonderfully helped us all understand the power and influence of arrangements, I am certain that when you write a song you envisage a lot more than just you at the piano […]
Songwriting – Recording
As songwriters (just as parents of teenagers), we are at once blessed and cursed to live in the current era of technological accessibility. The sheer amount of options available now for recording songs and sending […]