Showing 1 - 10 of 58 posts

Simply Music Teacher – Janita Pavelka

When you talk to Janita Pavelka, it’s hard not to get swept away by the rapid-fire enthusiasm she applies to everything. If she were a musical term, it might be ‘allegro’: with speed and joy. Everything […]

Simply Music Students – The Weiske Family

I have had the privilege and pleasure of sharing the Simply Music program with the Wieske family for many years now. They are a wonderful example of how effective and rewarding this method is when […]

Simply Music Teacher – Cathy Hirata

Class one starts with a student who has refused to demonstrate at home that he can actually play at all, but then surprises everyone by playing both hands together perfectly for his teacher. Class two […]

bird flying

Simply Music Student – Teruko Bowen

Imagine a culture where people of all ages easily and readily acquire and maintain music as a lifelong companion… This has been a dream come true for a student commencing her musical journey at the […]

jy gronner

Simply Music Teacher – Jy Gronner

When your teacher has been a choir accompanist, singer, classically-trained pianist, conductor, classical piano teacher, singing coach, guitarist, violist, flautist, trumpeter and Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus Clown College alumnus, you know your […]

Simply Music Student – Ronen

Simply Music is all about music as a lifelong companion. Not necessarily a calling or a career or a life-force, but occurring in a way that our musicality becomes an everyday friend, a natural part […]

Simply Music Teacher – Kerry Hanley

The worldwide family of close to 500 Simply Music teachers is a rich resource of wisdom and talent, none more so than Kerry Hanley, who has worked closely with Neil Moore since before the birth of Simply Music. Read her story here.

Simply Music Student – Wade Myers

“That was really good. Is there any way that I could buy the score for Constellation of Snow?” the mom asked after the student concert. She was a classically/traditionally trained musician. “Well, uh, no,” my girlfriend, another Simply Music Teacher, replied hesitantly. “That is his original composition.”
After being told he was “not ready”, Wade Myers has become a thoroughly self expressed 13-year-old pianist.