From Neil Moore
Firstly, let me start by extending a heart-felt “welcome” to you. Thank you for taking some to check out this first edition of Simply Music’s newsletter, “The Playground”. This has been a project that has […]

Filmmaker Ben Niles Interview with Neil Moore
In this installment, Neil Moore talks with Ben Niles, the Director and Producer of the Award Winning documentary, “Note By Note – The Making of Steinway L1037.” This documentary follows the journey of a tree […]

Simply Music Teacher – Kerry Hanley
The worldwide family of close to 500 Simply Music teachers is a rich resource of wisdom and talent, none more so than Kerry Hanley, who has worked closely with Neil Moore since before the birth of Simply Music. Read her story here.

Simply Music Student – Wade Myers
“That was really good. Is there any way that I could buy the score for Constellation of Snow?” the mom asked after the student concert. She was a classically/traditionally trained musician. “Well, uh, no,” my girlfriend, another Simply Music Teacher, replied hesitantly. “That is his original composition.”
After being told he was “not ready”, Wade Myers has become a thoroughly self expressed 13-year-old pianist.

Learn I Dreamed A Dream
The Accompaniment process is a unique, fun and vital component of the Simply Music curriculum. In this article we show those of you with just a little experience of Simply Music lessons how simple it is to create an accompaniment from the printable online version of this song made famous by Susan Boyle.

Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks – Book Review
What role does music play in the way our brains work? How can music help those with brain dysfunction? Neurologist Oliver Sacks answers these questions, combining his loving eye for the foibles of the human brain with his passion for music to create an absorbing book full of amazing stories.