In the BSV series, each video will have a description, written by Neil–some of them are brief and some are longer. To watch the introduction read the first installment in this series “The Ballads, Songs, & Vignettes Collection [Intro]”.
Song #12: “Life Song”
The piece is called “Life Song”. I love this little piece and its uplifting nature. The message is pretty simple and clear. Over the years I loved asking children to tell me what they thought the song was about. I was always fascinated to hear how mature and clear the responses were, even from the youngest of children.
From a compositional perspective, this is typically taught as a solo piano piece (as well as a duet). In this instance I wanted to present a vocal rendition, so I am playing a chord-based accompaniment using simple voicing of Maj 7th, 7th, min7th chords and/or their 9th chord extensions.
I also love Destiny Molina’s vocal rendition. It’s toward the top of her register in her head-voice. There’s a beautiful vulnerability for her in that sweet-spot, and she delivers it with a lovely authenticity and tenderness.
Nothing in the sky, not a soul in sight,
I can fly this high and my dreams will be beside me.
Make a wish and smile, it’s not always easy,
Something clouds my day and I struggle on my journey.
Listen to your heart, listen to its whisper,
Make another start, it’s another day.
Nothing in the sky, take your dreams and fly.
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