In the BSV series, each video will have a description, written by Neil–some of them are brief and some are longer. To watch the introduction read the first installment in this series “The Ballads, Songs, & Vignettes Collection [Intro]”.

Song #10: “Lead Me To Light”

Here’s the next installment from Ballads, Songs & Vignettes. It’s called “Lead Me To Light” This lovely, simple piece was really composed as a simple prayer – me asking a higher power to guide me during those times when I need it the most.

From a compositional perspective, it’s so brief (only 35 seconds), and so simple (there’s never more than 3 notes being played at any time), yet its melodic and harmonic story arc is complete. I always found it a pleasure to teach, and students of all ages loved to play it.


Song #11: “Lost”

This simple, little piece is a gentle nod to the sense of being lost (more so emotionally rather than physically).

From a compositional perspective, it’s consistent with the initial challenge I set for myself when developing the Simply Music curriculum. To compose pieces that are simple, brief and complete, easy to learn, lovely to play and listen to, and offer the opportunity to connect to some sense, message, story or feeling. This little vignette achieves the desired result. It’s only 35 seconds long, only 2 notes are being played at any time, the story arc is complete and there’s a sweetness to its melodic and harmonic structure.


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