In the BSV series, each video will have a description, written by Neil–some of them are brief and some are longer. To watch the introduction read the first installment in this series “The Ballads, Songs, & Vignettes Collection [Intro]”.


Song #8: “Can I Share My Heart”

This brief ballad touches on those times when we have worries, problems or heavy concerns. Perhaps even a time when we have lost sight of our dreams – those nights when, for many of us, it’s not as easy to fall asleep. I’ve had plenty of those in my lifetime.

From an educational perspective, I have always asked myself the same question, “Is this a message that’s simple enough for a child to understand?” I found that it is. And once again, I try my best to keep lyrics simple enough so that if a parent chooses to, they can talk about them with their child, and find further value in the message.

Compositionally, this is a very simple piece, with the entire melody only using 5 consecutive white notes – DEFGA. For those familiar with the Simply Music curriculum, this is a barely modified version of ‘Dreams Come True’ (the very first song that our students learn). FYI, it’s very common for our beginning students to be playing this piece within their first few lessons.

It’s very easy to underestimate simple songs, but I love the challenge of creating a mood, an emotion and a message. And it’s even more challenging to do that using very few notes, and, within a very limited time frame. Destiny Molina’s vocal rendition is perfect for the piece.


Song #9: “Can I Share My Heart” Orchestration

This song is a follow-on from the song above, and is a brief excerpt from a fully orchestrated version of exactly the same piece, “Can I Share My Heart?”. It’s a good representation of how arrangement and production can transform a simple but strong melody into an experience that is far more robust, very big and fully cinematic.


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