In the BSV series, each video will have a description, written by Neil–some of them are brief and some are longer. To watch the introduction read the first installment in this series “The Ballads, Songs, & Vignettes Collection [Intro]”.


Song #6: “One More Time”

This next installment from Ballads, Songs & Vignettes is called “One More Time”. This vignette paints an image of me, at a moment in the future where I’m very old, and reflecting on how much I would love to have another lifetime here with my beautiful wife.

It’s a very simple piece – once again, only two or three notes falling together at any time. Yet, as is the case with so many of the ballads, songs and vignettes that run throughout my curriculum, it’s so easy to teach, is simple to learn, and has a lovely sweet melody.


Song #7: “Gold”

This next ‘Ballads, Songs & Vignettes’ installment is called “Gold”. Quite simply, it’s about gratitude and appreciation for love, friendship, loyalty and partnership.

From a compositional perspective, I love its simplicity and resolution. Even though it’s very brief, it feels quite anthemic. It’s also a piece that, every time I play it, and in spite of its brevity, it always feels complete. It’s a little gem and makes me smile.


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