The Playground

The Simply Music blog

Showing all 3 results in success

The Ups & Downs of Learning to Play the Piano

  What do raising children, going to school, holding down a job, and taking piano lessons have in common? They each start with a goal that requires a long term commitment! In Simply Music, we talk about the goal of having music as a life-long…

The Final Success Factor – Importance of the Simply Music Coach

Last month, you saw how the Formula for Success could help you better understand yourself as a student and point the way toward improving your results. The 100 possible points came from ten different success factors. But the success factors actually go to 11, and so…

The Formula for Success

However long you’ve been taking Simply Music piano lessons, it’s probably safe to say that you’ve achieved far more than what you could have in the same amount of time with other methods. Maybe you’ve even achieved far more than you imagined you could.  …