At Simply Music, we are committed to music as a whole-of-life experience, starting from birth, and even earlier. Although the focus of the Simply Music Piano program is obviously about playing the instrument, children don’t need to wait until their brains and fingers are ready for instrumental lessons before they can be musically self-expressed. In fact, music is one of the most natural expressive outlets for the very young, as evidenced by the way we instinctively love to sing and dance with them. And music, in the hands of a great teacher, is a profoundly valuable and beautiful vehicle for learning.
As an organisation, we love to be connected with gifted, committed people and powerful programs that forward the cause of Music as a Lifelong Companion, and we found an outstanding associate in the field of early childhood music education in Lynn Kleiner.
A passionate, widely respected and much-loved educator for many decades, Lynn has in recent times worked closely with us to find ways to dovetail her approach with our piano programs. Her Music Rhapsody program makes for a wonderful doorway to a lifetime of music. In this interview, Lynn speaks with close friend and associate, Simply Music Master Teacher Robin Keehn, about her work and how she stays inspired to share music with the very young. She also talks about the creative ways she uses pieces used in Simply Music, and also explains how surprisingly possible it is to teach Music Rhapsody.