

On the 88th day (yes, that’s a piano reference!) of 2015, accomplished composer and producer, Nils Frahm, launched Piano Day. Not just a day to celebrate the piano, but also an official body that houses various and exciting piano-related projects. The first project revealed by the Piano Day team was the building of what will be world’s tallest piano: the Klavins 450.
Knowing that right now, thousands of Simply Music teachers and students are causing breakthroughs in creativity on their pianos, we didn’t want to miss the celebration! So in honour of our wonderful instrument, we’ve put together this collection of all things piano.

Best Piano Pop Songs

From John Lennon to Coldplay, there is sure to be a song that speaks to you in this list! Clicking on the Playlist before looking at the gallery provides an all-round, sensory treat. Just scroll down to the preview of Coldplay’s Clocks and click the Playlist icon in the top left corner. Once your music is playing, scroll back up to the Best Piano Pop Songs window and click for the gallery.



Pianos in Art

In the same way that music can be loud or soft, so too are these artworks from our post in November, 2015. With so much variety, we thought you might enjoy them again.
Piano Day - Pianos in Art - Piano Girl

Great Piano Movies

A piano in the background has helped set the scene in countless movies, but it’s rarer for it to take a leading role. Here’s a selection of our favourite movies featuring our favourite instrument.

The 25 Greatest Classical Pianists of all Time

It seems that there was some controversy with this list as there are (and have been) SO many incredible pianists in the world. Take a look at these choices and see what you think.

The Making of a Steinway

“The making of a Steinway piano is a time-honored process involving the hands of many skilled craftspeople over the course of almost a full year. Steinway & Sons pianos are built in just two factories worldwide… both have been building pianos for over a century. Although Steinway has always been at the cutting edge in utilizing the latest technology making the piano better, certain things are simply better when done by skilled craftspeople than by a machine. We hope you enjoy this look inside the Steinway New York factory, narrated in detail by the late, great John Steinway.”

We’ve listed a few categories here, but what do you love most about the piano? Whether it’s an artist, composition or photograph, please let us know in the comments below.