We asked Dwight Chesbro some questions to gain some insight into his role here at Simply Music, what lights him up musically and some facts that make him the person he is.
Your full name: Dwight Chesbro
When did you start and what is your role with Simply Music? I joined Simply Music in April of 2016 as a web developer and support team member.
What are your top 5 albums of all time? If I have to choose, and in no particular order: Remain In Light by Talking Heads, Amnesiac by Radiohead, Louder Than Bombs by The Smiths, Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere by Neil Young & Crazy Horse, and This Is Happening by LCD Soundsystem.
Who is your favorite band or singer? Talking Heads. I think I was in the right place at the right time when I discovered their music and it has had a lasting impact. David Byrne is a true artist and I think he produced some of his best work with the Talking Heads.
Who are you listening to now? I’ve been listening to a lot of Devo, especially their early recordings. The concept of de-evolution has been really fascinating to me lately.
If you were in a rock ‘n’ roll band, what would your job be? Lead singer, for sure. I think it would be absolutely thrilling to get up in front of an audience and sing your heart out.
What song/music style reminds you of your childhood? I grew up on soundtracks from Disney animated movies and other films. I still have a soft spot for musicals.
What song do you sing in the shower? Hip hop — lots of Beastie Boys, Cypress Hill, and De La Soul.
What is the worst song to get stuck in your head? Any song I can’t recall the title or lyrics of.
What song/style do you love to dance to? I’ll dance to anything, although I can’t promise it’ll be any good. Luckily that’s not part of the question.

What was the first concert you went to see? My first concert was Bad Religion at the Warfield in San Francisco. I was a sophomore in high school and my friend won tickets through a local radio station. I remember the look on my mother’s face when she dropped us off, I’m not sure she knew what to make of all the punks in studded denim vests.
What movie can you quote word for word? I’m not sure I could quote any movie word for word, I don’t usually watch movies more than once or twice. Jurassic Park probably comes close.
What is your favorite day of the week? Friday, for often being the start of a good weekend.
What’s your strangest talent? I can tuck my lower-right eyelid underneath my eye. It looks pretty gross.
What was the last experience that made you a stronger person? Signing up for the Bay to Breakers race in San Francisco this year. I’ve always wanted to run it and it’s been great motivation to start thinking more about my health.
What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? Selling my car and riding a bicycle full time. Although I eventually bought another car, the six years I spent riding my bike everywhere was rewarding in more ways than I can count. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if I hadn’t taken that plunge.
What is the best dish you can cook? I have a vegetable lasagna recipe that I’m pretty proud of.
Are you a morning or night person? I’m a night owl, but I find myself getting up earlier and earlier. The extra daylight hours are quite nice.